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3 Things American Employers Need to Know About Managing Global Benefits

David Rook

As businesses expand beyond their borders, it can be a significant management challenge to structure an employee benefits program.

There’s the risk of failing to meet regulatory requirements or offering packages that are competitive in the United States, but aren’t appealing elsewhere, or are unnecessarily expensive.

In addition, acquired rights rules in most countries outside the U.S. make it difficult to rescind benefits after they’ve been offered, making it essential to get it right the first time.

What’s more, multinational employers need to devote sufficient management time and due diligence efforts to ensure that benefits are appropriately designed and cost-effectively delivered.

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Topics: Multi-Cultural, Global, International

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Employee Benefits to Recruit and Retain a Native American Workforce

David Rook

Do a Google search for recruitment and retention strategies for the Native American workforce, and you'll quickly find your research comes up short. Making up less than two percent of the workforce, this overlooked demographic suffers from unemployment rates double that of national averages.

According to U.S. News and World Report, their labor force participation rate is 61.6 percent, the lowest for all race groups. However, the reality is that Native Americans not only provide a larger workforce pool in the areas where populations are concentrated, but they bring a unique diversity unparalleled by any other group.

Many have learned to balance their tribal world with American culture. Those seeking higher education are often first in their family to do so, displaying a determination and work ethnic that would be an asset to any organization.

How can you successfully recruit and retain top Native American candidates? Below are three important employee benefit considerations for the Native American workforce.

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Topics: segmentation, Recruiting, Retention, Multi-Cultural

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